Russias Putin Predicts Global chaos if West Hits Syria Again

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that farther Western attacks on Syria would bring chaos to globe diplomacy, equally Washington prepared to increase pressure on Russia with new economic sanctions.

In a telephone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, Mr Putin and Mr Rouhani agreed the Western strikes had damaged the chances of achieving a political resolution in the seven-year Syrian arab republic disharmonize, according to a Kremlin statement.

"Vladimir Putin, in detail, stressed that if such actions committed in violation of the UN Lease proceed, then it will inevitably lead to chaos in international relations," the Kremlin statement said.

The warnings come as Usa President Donald Trump'south aides announced plans for new economical sanctions confronting Russia for enabling the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

US President Donald Trump makes a statement about Syria.

Mr Trump said the Syria missile strikes were "perfectly carried out".( Reuters: Yuri Gripas )

Stepping upward the pressure level on Syria'southward President, US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley indicated the sanctions to be appear Monday would be aimed at companies "that were dealing with equipment" related to Mr Assad'due south alleged chemical weapons use.

She said Russia had blocked six attempts by the UN Security Quango to arrive easier to investigate the apply of chemical weapons.

"Everyone is going to feel it at this point," Ms Haley said, warning of consequences for Mr Assad's strange allies.

"The fact [Mr Assad] was making this more normal and that Russian federation was covering this upwardly, all that has got to cease."

Mr Trump has also dedicated his apply of the phrase "Mission Accomplished" to draw the Usa-led missile attack on Syrian arab republic'due south chemical weapons program.

In an early on-morning time tweet, Mr Trump said the strike was "perfectly carried out", and criticised journalists for taking issue with his choice of words.

Mr Trump tweeted "Mission Accomplished" on Sabbatum after US, French and British forces launched an air strike on Syrian chemical weapons sites.

While he alleged success, the Pentagon said the pummelling of three chemical-related facilities left enough others intact to enable the Assad government to apply banned weapons against civilians if information technology chooses.

His choice of words recalled a similar claim associated with President George W Bush following the US-led invasion of Republic of iraq.

Mr Bush-league addressed sailors aboard a Navy ship in May 2003 aslope a "Mission Accomplished" banner, just weeks earlier it became apparent that Iraqis had organised an insurgency that would tie downwards US forces for years.

On Sunday, Ms Haley made clear the United States would not exist pulling troops out of Syria right away, maxim Usa involvement at that place "is non washed".

She said the three United states goals for accomplishing its mission were making certain chemic weapons were not used in a way that could damage US national interests, that the Islamic Country group was defeated, and that there was a skillful vantage bespeak to watch what Islamic republic of iran was doing.

"We're not going to exit until we know nosotros've accomplished those things," she said.

'Good souls will not exist humiliated,' says Assad

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Night vision shows the launch of anti-air missiles from Damascus after US-led strikes.

The assault was carefully limited to minimise civilian casualties and avoid directly conflict with Russia in Syria, but confusion arose over the extent to which Washington warned Moscow in advance.

The Pentagon said it gave no explicit alert. The Us administrator in Moscow, John Huntsman, said in a video: "Before we took activeness, the United states of america communicated with [Russia to] reduce the danger of any Russian or civilian casualties."

Russia has military forces, including air defences, in several areas of Syria to back up Mr Assad in his long war against anti-government rebels.

Russia and Islamic republic of iran chosen the utilise of strength by the Usa and its French and British allies a "military crime" and "act of aggression".

The Un Security Council met to debate the strikes, but rejected a Russian resolution calling for condemnation of the "aggression" by the 3 Western allies.

Mr Assad denies he has used chemical weapons, and the Trump administration has yet to present difficult evidence of what information technology says precipitated the centrolineal missiles attack — a chlorine gas attack on civilians in Douma on April 7.

The US said information technology suspected sarin gas likewise was used.

"Practiced souls will not be humiliated," Mr Assad tweeted, while hundreds of Syrians gathered in Damascus, the capital, where they flashed victory signs and waved flags in scenes of defiance subsequently the early morn barrage.

The strikes "successfully striking every target," said Dana W White, the master Pentagon spokeswoman.

The armed services said there were three targets: the Barzah chemical weapons research and development site in the Damascus area, a chemical weapons storage facility about Homs and a chemic weapons "bunker" a few miles from the second target.


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