Why Is a Womans Period Light Then Mildly Heavy and Then Light Again

Aberrant Menstruation (Periods)

Typically, menstrual periods last iv to seven days. Examples of menstrual issues include periods that occur less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart, missing three or more periods in row, and menstrual catamenia that is much heavier or lighter than usual.

Abnormal Menses (Periods)


What is abnormal menstruation?

About women have menstrual periods that final four to seven days. A adult female's period usually occurs every 28 days, but normal menstrual cycles can range from 21 days to 35 days.

Examples of menstrual problems include:

  • Periods that occur less than 21 days or more than than 35 days apart
  • Missing 3 or more than periods in a row
  • Menstrual menstruation that is much heavier or lighter than usual
  • Periods that concluding longer than seven days
  • Periods that are accompanied by pain, cramping, nausea or vomiting
  • Haemorrhage or spotting that happens between periods, later on menopause or following sex activity

Examples of aberrant flow include the following:

  • Amenorrhea is a status in which a woman's periods have stopped completely. The absence of a menstruation for ninety days or more is considered aberrant unless a woman is pregnant, breastfeeding, or going through menopause (which generally occurs for women between ages 45 and 55). Immature women who haven't started menstruating by age xv or sixteen or within three years after their breasts begin to develop are also considered to have amenorrhea.
  • Oligomenorrhea refers to periods that occur infrequently.
  • Dysmenorrhea refers to painful periods and severe menstrual cramps. Some discomfort during the bike is normal for most women.
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding may apply to a diverseness of menstrual irregularities, including: a heavier menstrual flow; a period that lasts longer than seven days; or bleeding or spotting between periods, after sex, or after menopause.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes aberrant menstruation (periods)?

There are many causes of abnormal periods, ranging from stress to more serious underlying medical conditions:

  • Stress and lifestyle factors. Gaining or losing a significant amount of weight, dieting, changes in exercise routines, travel, illness, or other disruptions in a woman's daily routine can take an impact on her menstrual wheel.
  • Birth control pills. Nearly birth control pills contain a combination of the hormones estrogen and progestin (some contain progestin lone). The pills foreclose pregnancy by keeping the ovaries from releasing eggs. Going on or off nascence command pills tin touch on menstruation. Some women have irregular or missed periods for up to half dozen months after discontinuing birth command pills. This is an of import consideration when you are planning on conception and becoming meaning. Women who have nativity command pills that contain progestin only may take bleeding between periods.
  • Uterine polyps or fibroids. Uterine polyps are small benign (noncancerous) growths in the lining of the uterus. Uterine fibroids are tumors that attach to the wall of the uterus. In that location may be 1 or several fibroids that range from every bit small as an apple seed to the size of a grapefruit. These tumors are usually benign, only they may cause heavy bleeding and hurting during periods. If the fibroids are big, they might put pressure on the bladder or rectum, causing discomfort.
  • Endometriosis. The endometrial tissue that lines the uterus breaks downward every month and is discharged with the menstrual flow. Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue starts to grow exterior the uterus. Frequently, the endometrial tissue attaches itself to the ovaries or fallopian tubes; it sometimes grows on the intestines or other organs in the lower digestive tract and in the expanse between your rectum and uterus. Endometriosis may cause abnormal bleeding, cramps or pain before and during periods, and painful intercourse.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a bacterial infection that affects the female reproductive system. Bacteria may enter the vagina via sexual contact and then spread to the uterus and upper genital tract. Leaner might likewise enter the reproductive tract via gynecologic procedures or through childbirth, miscarriage, or abortion. Symptoms of PID include a heavy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, irregular periods, pain in the pelvic and lower abdominal areas, fever, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome. In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries make large amounts of androgens, which are male hormones. Small fluid-filled sacs (cysts) may course in the ovaries. These tin can often been seen on an ultrasound. The hormonal changes can prevent eggs from maturing, and so ovulation may not have place consistently. Sometimes a woman with polycystic ovary syndrome will have irregular periods or cease menstruating completely. In improver, the status is associated with obesity, infertility and hirsutism (excessive hair growth and acne). This condition may exist caused by a hormonal imbalance, although the verbal crusade is unknown. Treatment of PCOS depends on whether a adult female desires pregnancy. If pregnancy is not a goal, so weight loss, oral contraceptive pills, and the medication Metformin® (an insulin sensitizer used in diabetes) can regulate a woman's cycles. If pregnancy is desired, ovulation-stimulating medications can be tried.
  • Premature ovarian insufficiency. This status occurs in women under historic period 40 whose ovaries do non role commonly. The menstrual bicycle stops, similar to menopause. This can occur in patients who are being treated for cancer with chemotherapy and radiation, or if you have a family history of premature ovarian insufficiency or certain chromosomal abnormalities. If this status occurs, see your physician.

Other causes of aberrant menstruum include:

  • Uterine cancer or cervical cancer.
  • Medications, such as steroids or anticoagulant drugs (claret thinners).
  • Medical atmospheric condition, such as haemorrhage disorders, an under- or overactive thyroid gland, or pituitary disorders that bear on hormonal balance.
  • Complications associated with pregnancy, including miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy (the fertilized egg is implanted exterior the uterus; for example, within the fallopian tube).

Diagnosis and Tests

How is abnormal catamenia (periods) diagnosed?

If whatsoever attribute of your menstrual cycle has inverse, you should keep an authentic tape of when your period begins and ends, including the amount of flow and whether y'all pass large blood clots. Keep track of any other symptoms, such as bleeding between periods and menstrual cramps or pain.

Your doctor will ask you lot well-nigh your menstrual cycle and medical history. He or she will perform a physical examination, including a pelvic examination and sometimes a Pap test. The md might likewise lodge certain tests, including the post-obit:

  • Claret tests to rule out anemia or other medical disorders.
  • Vaginal cultures, to wait for infections.
  • A pelvic ultrasound examination to check for uterine fibroids, polyps or an ovarian cyst.
  • An endometrial biopsy, in which a sample of tissue is removed from the lining of the uterus, to diagnose endometriosis, hormonal imbalance, or cancerous cells. Endometriosis or other conditions may too be diagnosed using a procedure chosen a laparoscopy, in which the physician makes a tiny incision in the abdomen and and so inserts a thin tube with a low-cal attached to view the uterus and ovaries.

Direction and Treatment

How is abnormal menstruation (periods) treated?

The handling of abnormal menstruation depends on the underlying cause:

  • Regulation of the menstrual bike: Hormones such as estrogen or progestin might be prescribed to aid control heavy bleeding.
  • Pain control: Mild to moderate pain or cramps might be lessened past taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, such every bit ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Aspirin is not recommended because it might crusade heavier bleeding. Taking a warm bath or shower or using a heating pad might assistance to relieve cramps.
  • Uterine fibroids: These can exist treated medically and/or surgically. Initially, most fibroids that are causing balmy symptoms tin be treated with over-the-counter hurting relievers. If yous feel heavy bleeding, an iron supplement might be helpful in preventing or treating anemia. Low-dose nativity control pills or progestin injections (Depo-Provera®) may help to control heavy bleeding caused past fibroids. Drugs called gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists may be used to shrink the size of the fibroids and command heavy bleeding. These drugs reduce the body's production of estrogen and stop flow for a while. If fibroids do non respond to medication, at that place are a variety of surgical options that tin remove them or lessen their size and symptoms. The type of procedure volition depend on the size, type and location of the fibroids. A myomectomy is the elementary removal of a coarse. In severe cases where the fibroids are large or cause heavy haemorrhage or pain, a hysterectomy might be necessary. During a hysterectomy, the fibroids are removed forth with the uterus. Other options include uterine artery embolization, which cuts off the blood supply to the active fibroid tissue.
  • Endometriosis: Although there is no cure for endometriosis, over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers may aid to lessen the discomfort. Hormone treatments such as nascence control pills may assistance prevent overgrowth of uterine tissue and reduce the amount of blood loss during periods. In more severe cases, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist or progestin may be used to temporarily stop menstrual periods. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove excess endometrial tissue growing in the pelvis or abdomen. A hysterectomy might be required as a last resort if the uterus has been severely damaged.

In that location are other procedural options which tin help heavy menstrual bleeding. A five-year contraceptive intrauterine device (IUD), called Mirena®, has been approved to help lessen bleeding, and can be as effective as surgical procedures such every bit endometrial ablation. This is inserted in the doctor'due south office with minimal discomfort, and also offers contraception. Endometrial ablation is some other option. It uses heat or electrocautery to destroy the lining of the uterus. It is ordinarily only used when other therapies have been tried and failed. This is considering scars from the procedure can make monitoring the uterus more difficult if bleeding persists in the futurity.


How can the take chances of aberrant menstruation (periods) be reduced?

Here are some recommendations for self-care:

  • Try to maintain a good for you lifestyle by exercising moderately and eating nutritious foods. If yous have to lose weight, exercise so gradually instead of turning to diets that drastically limit your calorie and food intake.
  • Make sure you get enough rest.
  • Do stress reduction and relaxation techniques.
  • If you are an athlete, cut back on prolonged or intense exercise routines. Excessive sports activities tin cause irregular periods.
  • Use nascency control pills or other contraceptive methods as directed.
  • Change your tampons or sanitary napkins approximately every 4 to six hours to avert toxic daze syndrome and prevent infections.
  • See a physician for regular cheque-ups.

Living With

When should you lot seek medical attention for aberrant catamenia (periods)?

Contact a physician or medical professional if y'all have any of the following symptoms:

  • Astringent pain during your period or between periods
  • Unusually heavy bleeding (soaking through a sanitary pad or tampon every hr for two to three hours) or passing large clots
  • An abnormal or foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • High fever
  • A menstruum lasting longer than seven days
  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting betwixt periods or after you have gone through menopause
  • Periods that become very irregular after you have had regular menstrual cycles
  • Nausea or vomiting during your catamenia
  • Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome, such as a fever over 102 degrees, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting or dizziness

You should also see a doctor if you retrieve you might exist pregnant.

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Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14633-abnormal-menstruation-periods

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