Weimar Republic Make Germany Great Again

Painting by Matthew Abelman entitled 'Hat sales are up once again.'

"You don't know what you got til it'southward gone."

— Joni Mitchell

Deutschland's Weimar Republic was established in 1919 equally a parliamentary democracy with a constitution granting High german citizens virtually the same right as the U.S. Constitution. To wit, the right to freedom of expression, peaceful associates, liberty of religion, private belongings and equal opportunity and earnings in the workplace. It established split up executive, legislative [Parliament] and judicial branches independent of ane another. It also mandated that representatives of the people be elected every iv years. The constitution specified there be a president, somewhat similar in responsibility and power to the U.Due south. President, and a chancellor, appointed by the president, who was the head of the German Parliament.

Yet, past 1933 Adolph Hitler managed to plough Germany into a dictatorship. How could that happen in a democracy? And could it happen in America?

Whether by design or by instinct, Trump has followed Hitler'southward tactics in his path to power:

  1. Hitler built his campaign around making Federal republic of germany "slap-up." Trump'southward rallying cry is "Make America Great over again."
  2. Hitler gave the German people enemies — the Jews — to hate, blaming them for many of Frg's problems. What he couldn't blame on the Jews, he blamed on communists, socialists and liberals. Trump campaign of hate and fear blames our problems on immigrants, Muslims and Liberals.
  3. Hitler had his own media outlets and attacked whatever media that showed him in a bad light as the enemy. Trump uses Play a joke on News and an regular army of correct-wing bloggers, talk hosts and commentators to deflect attention from his failings and shady activities while supporting his conspiracy theories. Any criticism of him, he labels as "simulated news."
  4. Some German language Christians believed Hitler was a gift from God because of his opposition to [anti-God] communists and his promise to restore Frg'southward traditional values by coming out against, among other things, homosexuality, liberalism and abortion. Trump has gained the fanatical support of American evangelical Christians with much of the same arguments. They, besides, consider Trump anointed by God to return America to its traditional [white-dominated] values and morals in spite of his demonstrated lack of morals and his consistent promotion of detest, fright and violence.
  5. Hitler loved rallies of thousands of adoring fans to spread lies and propaganda. Trump clearly loves rallies. He uses these to rail against groups and individuals he identifies as enemies. These rallies serve to propagate his lies, misstatements and conspiracies. Since condign president, he has told over twenty,000 lies and misleading statements [as of July 13, 2020, documented by the New Your Times].
  6. Hitler had a individual militia he used to intimidate and inflict violence on his enemies. They were known every bit the "Brown Shirts" and were eventually replaced past the SS. Trump has already tested the concept of a private army when he sent what appeared to be police enforcement officers to harass peaceful demonstrators in Portland, Oregon. These officers had no organizational or personal identification and they arrived in vehicles that had no identifying marks. He has since made what are obvious overtures to unsanctioned white supremacist militias.

In the Nov, 1932, election Hitler's Nazi political party received 33 percent of the vote. Past Jan, 1933, the German President, Paul Von Hindenburg, needing the back up of the Nazi party to pass legislation, appointed Hitler Chancellor.

The last thing that paved the way for Hitler to take total control of Deutschland was the Reichstag burn that occurred in February of 1933, a curt time after Hitler had been named Chancellor and but half dozen days before the next full general election. The Reichstag is roughly equivalent to our Capitol Edifice. While in that location is plenty of evidence [not at the time just in retrospect] that the burn down was started by Nazi's, Hitler used his propaganda machine rapidly placed the blame on communists.  Calling it a national emergency Hitler convinced Hindenburg to invoke Article 48 which suspended nearly civil liberties. Hitler immediately began absorbing members of the German Communist Party, including those members who were members of Parliament. With those member unable to act, the Nazi party in cooperation with the High german National Worker's Party controlled 52 percent of parliament. He also used this power to intimidate and jail members of other major political parties until he had accomplished a ii-thirds majority in Parliament which allowed the Nazis to laissez passer the "Enabling Human activity" which gave Hitler the ability of rule past prescript, circumventing constitutional protections and, substantially, making him a dictator answering to no one. This continued until the stop of WWII.

Since Hitler institute the judicial branch less than cooperative, he prepare his own court system which eventually supplanted the constitutional judiciary.

Volition Trump go so far as to create his own national emergency and, and then, employ the Republican majority in the Senate to requite him similar powers backed upward by the many federal and Supreme Courtroom justices mitt-picked by him?


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Source: https://theberkshireedge.com/trump-americas-hitler/

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