Who Is the Deputy Speaker of House of Representative

The statistics in this article are quoted from the written report of the House of Commons Committee for the fiscal yr 2010/11[ane]

The House of Commons is one of the United Kingdom'due south ii Houses of Parliament. It shares with the House of Lords the functions of scrutinising the actions of regime and examining and approving proposed legislation, but it alone can authorise authorities expenditure. It has legislative priority in the sense that it cannot exist overruled by the Business firm of Lords. The conduct of its business concern is governed by rules and conventions that usually serve to facilitate the conduct of regime, and is carried out by elected Members of Parliament with the back up of an administrative staff. Members of Parliament serve in a range of rôles, including "ministers" who are the political managers of government departments, and "shadow ministers" who are their opposition counterparts; the "Leader of the House" and the "whips", who together manage the business of the Firm; and "backbenchers" to whom none of those duties have been assigned. The chief officer of the Firm of Commons is "the Speaker", who chairs its debates, enforces its rules and acts every bit its spokesman. The Speaker also chairs the "Firm of Commons Commission", which employs its administrative staff and directs its administrative departments.


  • 1 History
  • 2 The business of the Firm
  • 3 Members and staff
    • 3.1 Members
    • iii.2 Officers and staff
  • 4 The Independent Parliamentary Standards Dominance
  • five The conduct of business
  • 6 The legislative procedure
  • 7 Select committees
    • 7.1 Scrutiny committees
    • 7.2 Business concern committees
  • eight Parliamentary questions
  • 9 Petitions
  • 10 Lobbyists
  • 11 The Lobby
  • 12 Proposals for reform
  • 13 References


(boosted links are bachelor on the timelines subpage of the Parliament article)
The development of the House of Commons every bit a representative body started in the early 14th century with the regular appointment of representatives of the counties (knights of the shire) and of the towns (burgesses). After 1341 they sat together in one chamber, became known as the Firm of Eatables, and deliberated separately from the Male monarch and his nobles. [1]. The franchise was very varied earlier 1832, when the first reform deed was passed. Later this, it was extended in stages until universal adult suffrage was established by the Representation of the People Acts of 1918 and 1928.

The business concern of the House

The functions of the House of Commons include the scrutiny of the actions of regime, the initiation and passage of legislation, and the approval of finance bills. Except for the approval of finance bills, it shares those responsibilities with the House of Lords, but it takes legislative precedence over the House of Lords. Almost of its piece of work is done in committees that consider policy issues, scrutinise the work and expenditure of the government, and examine proposals for legislation. "Select committees" behave investigations into the conduct of government departments, or produce reports on specialist subjects. "Legislative committees" debate the detailed content of proposed legislation and determine upon its blessing. Meetings of the full house are held in the Commons sleeping accommodation for the purpose of set-piece debates upon specific aspects of government policy, or for the passage of legislation. Legislative procedures normally ensure that the government's legislative proposals pass into law in accord with a predetermined timetable. The business of the House is executed by its elected Members with the support of its authoritative staff.

Members and staff


Members of Parliament are elected to represent the inhabitants of regions termed "constituencies". There are currently 650. A Member must be (i) aged 18 or over,(ii) a denizen of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, Commonwealth or the Republic of Republic of ireland, and (three) not a disqualified person such as a authorities employee, or a member of the House of Lords. [2], and anyone with those qualifications tin stand for election who has been nominated by ten registered electors in the constituency they wish to represent. Almost Members belong to one of the political parties and had been adopted as candidates by their parties' constituency committees. The members of the party that is in ability make up the pool of talent from which the "ministers" who comport the political management of government departments are drawn; and "the chiffonier", which is the authorities's top policy-making body, is drawn from among the ministerial heads of the largest departments.

The Leader of the Firm of Commons is too a government government minister and member of the Chiffonier. He is responsible for the organisation of regime business in the Commons, and he chairs a number of Chiffonier Committees, including the Ministerial Committee on Constitutional Affairs and the Legislative Programming Commission. The Party Whips are responsible for the control of the twenty-four hour period-to-mean solar day business organisation by persuasive control over the actions of Members of Parliament[3]. The chief officer of the House of Commons is the Speaker who is a Fellow member who has been elected to the post past his or her boyfriend-members. Once elected, the Speaker is expected to discard party connections and human activity with complete impartiality. Other officers of the House include the Chairman of Ways and Ways and two deputy chairmen, who may all act equally Deputy Speakers. The Speaker or one of the Deputy Speakers, chairs debates, decides who is to be allowed to speak, maintains lodge and disciplines users of "unparliamentary language".

The annual bacon for a Member of Parliament is ₤65,738, in improver to which they receive allowances to encompass the costs of having somewhere to live in London and in their constituency, and of travelling between Parliament and their constituency[4]. For 56 percentage of new MPs surveyed in 2010, this was a cut in salary, and for 31 pct of them the cutting was £xxx,000 or more. 82 per cent of them wanted to brand politics a long-term career, and 55 per cent aimed to become ministers[5].

The membership of the Firm is not statistically representative of the adult population of the U.k.. Simply 22 percent of members are women, and but iv percent are in the blackness, Asian and minority-ethnic category, compared with viii percent in the population as a whole. On the other manus, the Jewish community is overrepresented (the Jewish Relate listed 24 from the 2010 election). Over one 3rd attended independent schools, which brainwash only seven% of the country's school population, 90 per centum have been university-educated compared with 31 percent of the working population, and over a quarter went to Oxford or Cambridge. Businessmen and lawyers are over-represented among Conservative members and public sector professionals are over-represented among Labour members. The boilerplate age is 50, and 70 percent are over 40, compared with 60 pct of the adult population. [6] [seven].

Officers and staff

Permanent officers (who are not Members of Parliament) include the Clerk of the House of Commons, who is the principal adviser to the Speaker on the House's privileges and procedures, and the Serjeant at Arms, who is the housekeeper of the Eatables' office of the Palace of Westminster. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards is an independent officer of the Business firm who monitors the application of the Code of Conduct[8]. The work of the Firm is supported by around two,900 Members Staff and 1,800 Firm Staff. Their employer is the House of Eatables Commission, whose Chairman is the Speaker of the House. The Firm Staff provide a range of services that includes the daily production of an edited verbatim written report of proceedings of both the Firm of Parliament, averaging about 160 pages a day, and known as Hansard. A further 880 people are employed by the National Audit Part [nine] that scrutinises public spending on behalf of Parliament and is headed by the Comptroller and Auditor General, who is an Officer of the House.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority[x] was created following the parliamentary expenses scandal of 2009[11]. Information technology administers and reimburses MPs' expenses, pays MPs' and their staff members salaries, regulates MPs' expenses, and has been fabricated responsible for the determination of their future pay and pensions.

The conduct of business organization

When the Firm is in full session, government and opposition members sit on rows of benches facing each other across the floor of the house in the Commons Chamber, and the Speaker or Deputy Speaker is seated in the Speaker'due south chair, at ane terminate of the flooring. Debates follow a traditional pattern. After the opening speeches from both sides, Members wishing to speak rise from their seats, 1 of them is called upon by the Speaker, and the others return to their seats. A Members wishing to interrupt the Member who is speaking, rises to his anxiety, but may not interrupt unless the Member who is speaking indicates his willingness to requite manner past sitting down. Everyone else must remain seated, and anybody must sit down when the Speaker rises from his chair. Amendments are voted on in turn, followed by a vote on the opening motion. When a vote is held the Speaker asks Members to phone call out whether they concur or not. The Speaker volition then judge whether there is a clear result. If this cannot be determined, the Speaker calls a sectionalisation by announcing "clear the lobbies" and the "ayes" and the "noes" leave the chamber into either of the reverse "sectionalization lobbies", which are corridors to its right and to its left, to exist counted past government and opposition Whips [12]. The conduct of business is otherwise regulated by published Continuing Orders [thirteen], which normally permit a debate to exist concise by a timetable motion known every bit "the guillotine". In add-on to legislative motions, there are "Early on Day Motions", which are used for reasons such equally publicising the views of individual MPs, drawing attention to specific events or campaigns, and demonstrating the extent of parliamentary back up for a particular cause or indicate of view. They are seldom debated[14]. Banishment debates are held in the Commons chamber at the terminate of each sitting, and in the Westminster Hall on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Some are full general open-concluded debates, some are on private Members' constituency bug, and some are designed to elicit policy responses from departmental Ministers. 10-minute Rule Bills are another mode in which backbench Members can raise issues. They are not used to introduce legislation, but rather as a means of making a point, or testing Parliament's opinion, on a particular subject.

The proceedings of Business firm of Commons committees are less formal than debates in the Business firm: Members speak seated and refer to each other by name, rather than "the honourable member for ...". Statements made in the form of parliamentary business are exempted from legal action by "parliamentary privilege" [fifteen], simply Members are expected to conform at all times to the House of Commons Lawmaking of Deport[16].

Sittings of the House of Eatables take place on an average of about 145 days a year and about 8 hours a day.

The legislative process

Nearly all legislation is initiated by government departments as "Public Bills". "Private Bills" are Bills that are intended to change the law just as it applies to specific individuals or organisations rather than the general public; and "Hybrid Bills" contain elements of both. The initiation of "Private Member's Bills" by members of the House is insufficiently rare and is seldom successful. The full-calibration legislative process for a public Bill normally involves several stages of grooming before it is presented to the Firm of Commons, and it must so pass through a customary five parliamentary stages in the Firm of Eatables, including scrutiny past a Legislative Committee and two debates of the full House. The fully-amended Nib is then sent for consideration by the Firm of Lords from whence - and for a express menstruation - it may be returned for farther consideration. The annual Finance Nib encompasses all the changes to be made to taxation law for the year. Its formal description is "a Bill to grant sure duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the National Debt and the Public Revenue, and to make further provision in connection with finance. The passage of legislation is usually facilitated by cooperation between authorities and opposition Whips, the upshot of which is to limit the time allowed for the discussion of its clauses (a procedure that is known equally "the usual channels"). "Statutory Instruments" are ministerial orders that become law without going through the full-scale legislative process. They can be either affirmative instruments that require the approval of both Houses of Parliament, or negative instruments that come into strength unless annulled past either House of Parliament. They are classed as secondary legislation because they are legislation that has been authorised past previous legislation. Around 40 Bills and four,000 Statutory Instruments go law each year[17].

Select committees

Scrutiny committees

The duty of scrutinising the activities of government is performed past a number of Select Committees The results of their inquiries are made public, and many of them require a response from the government. At that place is a Select Committee that examines the work of each government and in that location are Select Committees with more full general remits such as the Public Accounts Committee and the Environmental Inspect Committees. The Chairs of about select committees are elected by their fellow Members of Parliament, and their political party compositions reverberate that of the Firm. They are each supported by a permanent enquiry squad, in improver to which they may engage specialist directorate for particular enquiries. They have extensive powers to crave written and oral show [18]. The facts that, in particular, they take access to all departmental files, and that they have the power to question any civil servant, may exist expected to influence the deport of government departments. Departmental Select Committees usually publish between 200 and 300 reports each year.

Concern committees

Among committees concerned with the domestic assistants of the House are the Backbench Business organisation Committee[xix] that manages the use of the 35 days or its equivalent that is allocated in each session to debates on subjects chosen past backbenchers, and the Standards and Privileges Committee[20] that considers reports from the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, and inquires into matters relating to privilege that take been referred to it by the House.

Parliamentary questions

Parliamentary Questions provide another means by which Members of Parliament tin can concur the Government to account. Departmental Ministers can be obliged to provide information, explain policy decisions or defend the actions of their departments. Members tin "table" questions to Ministers for answer either orally, or in writing. Oral questions are answered past departmental Ministers in the Eatables chamber for an hour on every sitting day from Mon to Thursday, in accordance with a departmental rota chosen the "Order of Oral Questions". Questions have to be tabled three days in advance, and are randomly selected for putting to Ministers. Members tin can put follow-upward "Supplementary Questions" (for which no detect is required) to a Minister, after he or she has answered each tabled question. The Prime Minister answers questions for half an hr at midday every Wednesday. The session normally starts with a routine question about the Prime Minister'southward engagements, and that is unremarkably followed by a supplementary question on a topical field of study. The Leader of the Opposition then follows, with upwardly to vi questions on a subject of his ain choosing. Questions for written respond are put straight to Ministers, and are normally answered within a 9 working days. Up of 400 oral questions and xl,000 written questions are answered every year. [21]


Petitioning is making a request to the House of Commons to have action on a specific result, which is presented to the House by a Member on behalf of the petitioners[22]. An e-petition that gets at to the lowest degree 100,000 signatures, is eligible for debate in the House of Commons[23]


Petitioning was traditionally done in the Central Lobby, which lies between the Members lobbies of the House of Eatables and the House of Lords, and is where members of the public may seek to encounter a Member of Parliament or a Member of the House of Lords. The term "lobbying"[24], nowadays refers to any way of seeking to influence the actions of politicians, and the term "lobbyist" is applied to those whose job it is to lobby on behalf of organisations such as corporations, merchandise associations, charities and pressure groups. The term "in-house" lobbyist refers to employees of the organisation which is seeking influence, every bit distinct from individuals or companies who foyer for a fee on behalf of others. The lobbying manufacture has been described as a £ii billion industry with a huge presence in Parliament[25], and one of its practitioners has been recorded, on undercover video, boasting of beingness able to influence the actions of the Prime Minister[26] - an accusation that the Prime number Government minister has denied. The Government is committed to the introduction of a Statutory Annals of Lobbyists [27].

The Lobby

Next to the Business firm of Commons chamber is an ante-room, known equally the "Members' Lobby"[28], to which only Members of Parliament and "lobby correspondents" have admission. The lobby correspondents, besides known as "The Lobby", are a small group of senior newspaper and television journalists who are given briefing on "lobby terms", which means that they may not reveal the identity of the person who gives information technology. Entrance hall correspondents are also invited to ten Downing Street for regular briefings at which the Prime Minister'due south press secretary gives "off the record" conference on the day'south chief political events.

Proposals for reform

There accept been calls to ameliorate the technical quality of legislation, and to change the residue between the time devoted to legislation and the time allowed for scrutiny - in favour of the latter. A backbench argue on those issues and others was held in the Westminster Hall on 3 February 2011 (Hansard report). Among proposals[29] put forward in advance of the debate by the Hansard Society were :

  • the establishment of a Legislative Standards Committee to assess whether the technical quality of a neb meets an agreed minimum gear up of standards and criteria;
  • the review of all Acts of Parliament between three and 5 years after enactment;
  • the institution of a House Business Committee to provide for the interest of all interested parties Commons in the shaping and timing of the legislative programme;
  • the extension of time allowed for consideration whether to counteract a Statutory Instrument from forty to lx sitting days;
  • the affirmative resolution procedure for regulations to be changed to let for amendment and not just wholesale adoption or rejection;
  • the reservation of time for Select Committee work during which time the Commons chamber and Public Neb Committees would not sit down.


  1. The Rise of the Eatables, www.parliament.uk
  2. Who Can Stand equally an MP?, www.parliament.uk
  3. Jennifer Walpole and Richard Kelly: The Whips Office, Business firm of Commons Library, October 2008
  4. Lucinda Maer and Richard Kelly: Members' pay and allowances – arrangements in other parliaments, House of Commons Library, 2009
  5. New MPs struggle with work/life balance - But most see politics as a long-term career, Hansard Society, June iii, 2011
  6. [http://www.totalpolitics.com/articles/4488/the-new-firm-of-commons.thtml Byron Criddle: The new House of Commons, Full Politics, 21 May 2010}
  7. Characteristics of the new Business firm of Eatables www.parliament.britain, 2010
  8. Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, www.parliament.uk
  9. National Audit Part website
  10. Contained Parliamentary Standards Say-so website
  11. Q&A: MP expenses row explained, BBC News, 18 June 2009
  12. Divisions, world wide web.parliament.united kingdom
  13. "House of Eatables Standing Orders - Public Business
  14. What are Early on day motions?", www.parliament.britain
  15. Oonagh Gay and Alexander Horne: Parliamentary privilege and qualified privilege", House of Commons Library, May 2011
  16. House of Commons Lawmaking of Behave
  17. Richard Cracknell: Acts & Statutory Instruments: Book of Uk legislation 1950 to 2007, House of Commons Library, 2008
  18. Jacqy Sharpe, Clerk of Committees: Guide for select commission members, House of Eatables March 2011
  19. How the Backbench Business Committee works, www.parliament.gov.uk
  20. Standards and Privileges Committee , www.parliament.gov.uk
  21. Cursory Guide: Parliamentary Questions, Business firm of Eatables Data Office
  22. Petitioning , www.parliament.uk
  23. What are e-petitions?, www.directgov.uk
  24. Lobbying, world wide web.parliament.uk
  25. David Cameron as Leader of the Opposition, quoted in Hansard 02/11/xi Cl 265WH
  26. Melanie Newman and Oliver Wright:Caught on camera: top lobbyists boasting how they influence the PM, The Independent, 6 December 2011
  27. Introducing a Statutory Register of Lobbyists, Government Consultation Paper, January 2012
  28. The Members' Lobby and Churchill arch, www.parliament.gov.uk
  29. Parliamentary reform, Hansard Society conference 3rd February 2011


Source: https://en.citizendium.org/wiki/House_of_Commons_(United_Kingdom)

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